One of the first csrds I made can be seen here, I wasn't happy with the card the background was too busy. I decided to remove the pansies and tried again. I think this is an improvement. The supplies are the same because this is the same Designer Series Paper.
The supplies and links to my online store are below.
Product ListZoe Rae Ellsworth (my neices baby) was born on January28, 2021with multiple heart defects and spent her first 72 days in the CICU at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. In her first 3 months of life, she had 9 surgeries, one of them being a 15-hour open-heart surgery. Because of complications with that surgery, little Zoe went into kidney failure, started having seizures, and was on life support for over a week.
In April, after overcoming so many obstacles Zoe was able to come home for almost a month an she met her big brother Gus for the first time. Sadly, she was again admitted to Primary Children Hospital CICU in heart failure. After long weeks of exhausting every possible option it has come down to Zoe not being a candidate for a heart transplant.